Author: rory

  • Return of the Wizword in Edinburgh

    Hello friends, For almost the entire stretch of this month, my show ‘Return of the Wizword’ is happening daily at Just The Tonic @ The Caves, 11.35am-12.35pm. This is part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Now I know there’s plenty to do and you’re very busy and important, but why not spare a little hour…

  • A new YouTube channel and an old me

    Hello young Jimbo, Just a quick post to let you know I have a new YouTube channel. It’s called Wizword and can be found here.  On it you’ll find frivolous bits of bobbery like the below. It’s very important work.  I also spent ages making a nice avatar. .  The videos are fine but that…

  • Wizword’s First Outings

    Hiya. Since last we spoke, my show Return of the Wizword has made its first tiptoeing steps into the public world. I’d like to say a big, capitalised THANKS to those who came down for the shows in Blakes of the Hollow in Enniskillen and Black Box in Belfast, especially to those who weren’t socially obligated…

  • Return of the Wizword Update, Edinburgh Recommendations

    Hurro. Well as it’s been a while since I last posted (147 days in fact, which seems an obscenely high and vaguely frightening number), I think it’s about bloomin time I kicked this mother into gear. What news. Well, I have moved house. I’ve bought and lost and bought a pair of glasses. I’ve had…

  • A Declaration for Padraig

    Hello. Or should I say ‘Dia dhuit’. As it was St Patrick’s Day on Friday (and because I’m ruthlessly relevant) I marked the occasion by dusting off a poem on the man himself. It’s called ‘A Declaration for Padraig’ and you can watch it below.  I hadn’t revisited the poem since writing it for the…

  • Digital Loss and Gain

    Hello! Well, you’ll never guess what happened. After making a great clamorous noise about this website last month and imploring anyone I knew to visit, a grave error occurred and it vanished entirely. And the world became in that one moment, a little darker. If I’d been born in 19th century America, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow…